Ep. 57: Hot Takes (Part 1)

Kayla and Ursa try out a new format they’re calling Hot Takes. They take turns pulling a topic from a hat, then they have 3 minutes to give their thoughts on it - then the other person has 2 minutes to add their thoughts.

We also have some exciting news: you can now support the podcast through Patreon for as little as $3/month! Patrons can submit questions, which we’ll answer at the end of each episode. Join the conversation over at patreon.com/canineconvos.

Discussed in this episode:

  • Doodles
  • Citronella collars
  • Ecollars for off leash
  • Socialization only good experiences
  • No reward markers
  • Wolf hybrids
  • Adoption requirements
  • Flexi leads

For Further Reading

Make sure to support the podcast at Patreon.com for as little as $3/month and you can submit questions to us each episode!


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