Join Kayla and Ursa as they discuss MORE myths about dog training and dog behavior. Covered in this episode:
- Greeting a dog after an absence creates separation anxiety
- See also: this study on factors affecting the prevalence of separation anxiety in dogs.
- Research on the use of Clomipramine for dogs with separation anxiety
- Research on different methodology of trainers recommending seeing a vet for separation anxiety or not
- You must always end a training session on a good note
- See also: Cog-Dog Radio Proofing episode
- You need to eat first/walk thru doors first/not let your dog on furniture or your dog will be alpha
- Some information on Mech and dominance
- Kayla’s book suggestion: A Primate’s Memoir by Dr. Robert Sapolsky
- You have to support the hierarchy between dogs
- Aggression to kids = dominance structure
- Kayla’s dogs and kids course as well as bringing home baby webinar
- Pinch/prong collars = corrections from mom
Don’t forget to send us your myths! Email us at [email protected].
Comments 1
Thanks for sharing. As a positive reward based trainer I also think we should not judge our clients and we are here to help educate them. I teach relaxation/stress reduction techniques to humans and their animals. I think it is critical that we came from a place of compassion for everyone we work with. Just my thoughts, jane